Wednesday, 18 January 2017

2016 In Review and plans for 2017

Looking back
In 2016 I started off with goals of running lots, cycling lots, and not a whole lot else. Some of my highlights were:

January: Lots and lots of gym and TRX classes!
April: First outing in a canoe and litter picking on the river Brit
May: Kayaking lessons with Steve and my work chums
Running my first 10k "race", the Egdon Easy, though I didn't quite meet my 60 minute goal
June: A London trip with my little sister - we went to Harry Potter Studios!
Welcoming Charlie and Ted to our home
July: Reconnecting with old friends
August: A visit from my family with canoeing and GDSF fun
Getting out and cycling with new friends
June & July: Sea swimming before work - didn't do this as often as I should have, but felt amazing when I did
September: Cycling 100 miles in Wiggle's New Forest Epic 100 mile ride (I placed in the Silver category!)
A weekend in Dartmoor with Steve
Running my first half marathon (although I had to walk part of it due to injury)
October: Sewing my first top
November: Started painting
December: Making my reindeer dress, painting my sister's home, and a trip to Scotland during Crimbo Limbo


I know all the selfies are a bit much, but the fact that I'm in all these photos is actually something of an achievement for me, as pretty much anyone who knows me knows that I've always been pretty uncomfortable in front of a camera. Getting over that has been an ongoing goal for years.

The lowlights included being ill for probably a couple of months altogether. This year I'll be making more of an effort to look after myself as well as pushing myself to do new things. I need to stay better hydrated, stretch and foam roll more regularly, eat a whole lot better, and treat myself to the odd massage (I'm going to try and do this every couple of months).

Looking forward
I'll be doing a separate post on my sewing plans, but here are some of the things I'm looking forward to in 2017:

January: Hosting my first ever party!
February: Fabric shopping in London?
Joining an art club?
March: Sportive with Aisling
April: Cycling in France
May: Smashing my 10k running PB
Summer: More cycling holidays and swimming in the sea
October: A family holiday to Center Parcs?
December: Christmas in Scotland

All year:
Becoming more of a regular at my running club
Spending little or no money on clothes
Walking more
Taking more photos

I know I'm weeks behind in asking, but what are you looking forward to in 2017?

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