The Knitting and Stitching Show
The biggest sewing-related news we need to catch up on is that I visited the Spring Knitting and Stitching Show at London Olympia. I had a lovely time, and actually managed to be fairly restrained with my purchases!
Cottons from Montreux and Simply Fabrics |
From left to right these are from Sew Over It (not on their online store -
The next two are equally busy, but more practical, if that's a word you can use for crepe de chine. The first was from Sew Over It, and as I was paying Lisa I noticed she was wearing a top she'd made from it, and looked lovely in it, which was reassuring! The second is my long awaited first piece of Liberty fabric - this is the lightest needlecord, and I'm planning a skirt with it, but I need to do a toile first.
Finally, I carried it all home in this excellent, free, cat toy!
I was a little bit disappointed not to find the fabrics that I was really looking for, in particular I really wanted to see some Atelier Brunette French Terry, because it's just the sort of price where I wouldn't feel comfortable buying it without seeing it. I also didn't manage to see any double gauze, either, but all things in good time.
While we're here, I have a few other fabrics that I haven't posted, so let's continue! First up is a red floral fabric that I'm going to call a crepe de chine from Steve Bane in Dorchester. This was a remnant hung up all on its own that I'm going to make into a blouse, once I find the right pattern. In the middle is a lovely jersey from Fabric Land that I ordered online for £3.99/m, and the one on the right is a cotton that also came from Fabric Land, but I bought it in store about a month ago. I've already made garments from the last two - which I promise I'll post about eventually - but still have quite a bit of each left.
Still on the hunt for...
I'm really feeling the need to invest in some decent, plain jersey material now, but my local shop doesn't have what I'm looking for (or at least it's too well hidden - it is a bit of an Aladdin's Cave!). I'm considering some lovely marls from Guthrie & Ghani, if only they had some slightly darker shades. The mauve and green ones below are pretty lush. I'd like to make a raglan top made up of a patterned and a plain fabric, but I've yet to find the perfect pairing. Likewise a stripy Coco top with a turquoise yoke - every time I come close to buying online I start to have crippling doubts and decide to save it for later.
I have so many breton tops already, but they're mostly RTW, and I tend to wear the same 2 over and over again, so it is probably time for a clear out. I'd love some pink and white striped jersey, but I'm not sure if it's incredibly fussy of me to say that all the nice ones I've seen so far have much wider stripes than I would like? The best ones I've seen have high cotton content and are quite pricey, so I feel like it's reasonable to wait it out until I find something I really like. Then again, if I can't find "nice stripes" at the knitting and stitching show, then I may be waiting for something that doesn't exist...
Anyway, I'm also on the lookout for some heavier weight material for shorts and skirts over the summer. I'd like a heavy-ish navy cotton that will last as well as my Weird Fish shorts have (I've lived in them pretty much every weekend between April and October for a couple of years now!). I'd like to make a short-ish skirt from it, and my thinking is that I'll be able to switch out the shorts for the skirt and look a little bit smarter without changing the whole ensemble. One day I'll post a picture of me in said ensemble, and you can all tell me if that's an appropriate word for my summer look - I suspect it is a somewhat grandiose term for "shorts and t-shirt".
We've covered fabrics that I have, and fabrics that I need for projects, but have barely touched on all the fabrics that I'm lusting after, but can't justify without a project in mind. That list could go on some while, so I may have to compile a Pinterest board instead and lead you all over there instead.
If you have any suggestions of patterns or fabrics then do let me know - they would be very much appreciated!
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