Tuesday, 21 March 2017

TL;DR (None of the sewing, all of the moaning)

Health matters have not improved a great deal, but I have returned to work and it is eating up the vast majority of my energy. I am on the mend, but it is a really slow process. I have only just noticed that it's been a full month since I actually published, which doesn't feel right as I've written at least five.

This has happened because I set myself a goal of taking some good photos to go along with all my posts, but this has become a reason not to post things, rather than the useful motivation to get my camera out that I hoped it would be. The truth is that while I enjoy writing, and I love making things, photography comes more naturally to me when I'm outside exploring, or with a cat, rather than in a poorly-lit room trying to make my handmade things look good laid out lain on a cheap laminate floor (which makes everything look heartbreakingly awful), because I just don't want to be in photos right now.

Please accept this picture of my cat looking faintly suspicious, in
the absence of sewing-related photos. 
In short, while I really want to make my posts look good - I know it's a lot nicer to read posts with pretty pictures than without - I'm going to give myself a break. If you decide to read along then accept my apologies and believe me that I am working on prettying up my corner of the Internet exactly as much as I can.

I promise the next post will be a lot more sewing heavy :)

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